Origin Application for Members

Origin Application for Members


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March 26, 2023 at 2:18 PM

Origin Application for Members

Here is the format that any member who wishes to join the Origin vanilla SMP server should follow in an application. If you wish to apply, copy this format and paste it in a new reply under this post, answering each question to the best of your ability.

Origin Application Format
(Copy this and reply to this post!)
- In-Game Name:

- When did you join SentinelCraft:

- Why do you want to join the Origin server:

- Have you read the Origin Rules:

Please complete the application to the best of your ability and wait for a response. It can take up to seven days to receive a response. If you would like a private response rather than a public response please indicated under additional information. Keep in mind that we are not required to provide a private response.

Accepted Members

* raysGamerMN - Accepted - 19/06/2022
* Shadow1229 - Accepted - 19/06/2022
* Atsuno_Takashi - Accepted -19/06/2022
* nikos_kapa - Accepted - 25/06/2022
* rafhGamerMN - Accepted - 26/06/2022
* OminousCrystal - Accepted - 01/07/2022
* ilyBunny - Accepted - 01/07/2022
* Gamer_Kunjappan - Accepted - 01/07/2022
* ClownsieOne - Accepted - 14/07/2022
* Arizonia_Aslain - Accepted - 28/08/2022
* AceGunn74 - Accepted - 26/10/2022
* psycho_gamer - Accepted - 26/10/2022

Denied Members

* XGaster - Denied - 19/06/2022 - Can reapply after 3rd of July
* Dashiden - Denied - 01/07/2022 - Can reapply after 15th of July
* Xcalib3r - Denied - 01/07/2022 - Can reapply after 15th of July
* XGaster - Denied - 14/07/2022 - Can reapply after 3rd of August




