Join us on May 27th, 2023 at 3 PM GMT for our Annual Birthday Celebration!
As always, the event will be filled with minigames, prizes, a fun venue to explore, and activites in game and in our discord! Information on minigames and more to come.
Make your mark on Prom! 
This year we are releasing community train platforms for everyone to help build and create on. Two platforms are available in Horizon at /HorzPlatform and one is available in Flat at /FlatPlatform
Build rules for Community Platforms:
- Follow normal server build rules, nothing obscene or inappropriate
- Please avoid destroying others' contributions (including the base platform), we want this to be a collaboration of the community!
- Please avoid building in way of the doorways, marked with the yellow and black glass; you may build anywhere on the quartz platform
Other than that, go wild! Add a sculpture, create a picnic table for you and your friends, make a zoo exhibit!
Community Survey!
Every year we host the Sentinel Awards where Senior Staff nominate some outstanding members of our community, but this year we want your help! Fill out the survey below with your nominees!
Nominees SurveySurvey closes
May 6, so the normal Sentinel Awards survey may open on May 7.