2023 Prom Minigames: Featuring the Sentinel Olympics!

2023 Prom Minigames: Featuring the Sentinel Olympics!



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May 9, 2023 at 6:34 PM
Hello everyone!

As we gear up towards the 10th anniversary of SentinelCraft, we are excited to bring back a blast from the past. This year we will hold another rendition of The Sentinel Olympics!
The Olympic games will consist of various teams fighting it out in 8 different minigames to earn points for their team. The games will take place starting Monday, May 15th until Friday, May 27th.

In order to determine our teams, a signup form that everyone can fill out will be available below. Use the following format to signup for the Sentinel Olympics. You may signup between now and May 13th at 5 PM GMT.

In game name:

Your favorite Minigame:

What you’re most excited for at prom:

Once you have replied to this post with that information, your name will be put in a random wheel generator. Teams will be determined by this random wheel via a live-stream on Sunday, May 14th at 6 PM GMT.

The following games will be played as part of the Sentinel Olympics at the following date(s) and time(s)
Boat Race: May 15th, 6 PM GMT.
Paintball: May 16th, 12 PM GMT.
Tic Tac Toe Tournament: May 18th, 6 PM GMT.
Archery Race: May 19th, 4 PM GMT.
Chicken Football Tournament: May 20th, 4 PM GMT
Spleef: May 22nd, 12 PM GMT
Ice Boat Race: May 24th, 12 PM GMT
Ninja Warrior: May 26th, 8 PM GMT

The rules and layouts of each particular minigame will be released at a later time/date.

Prizes will be given for participating. Final prizes for winners will be rewarded at prom.

Additionally, we will hold Roll on Wednesday and Trivia on Friday the week of prom. No prior signup is required for these two games, and anyone is able to participate.

We hope to have everyone in the community pariticpate in such a historic event! If you have any questions you can contact evzntv on discord!

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May 9, 2023 at 6:44 PM
In game name: Migas

Your favorite Minigame: Spleef

What you’re most excited for at prom: All the people joining together and remember the meaning of Sentinel, the friendships and friendliness

Being here from the start is a priviledge. I have seen all of you join our community and, sadly, amazing people leave. However, I am the friendly portuguese guy that stayed, mostly to annoy those who are closer and entertain the others. If you want to chat and know more about me or the server, contact me on Discord. I won't bite... and I'll provide you with some wisdom you might not know about... I think. Also I love to gossip. If you have any drama to share, I'll spread it around for you ;)!


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May 9, 2023 at 6:50 PM
In game name: quazymoodo

Your favorite minigame: Trivia on Friday

What you're most excited for at prom: Partying with all the people in discord at prom :)
Senior Admin

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May 9, 2023 at 7:03 PM
In game name: bugsy12

Your favorite Minigame: tictactoe

What you’re most excited for at prom: talking over moog in vc

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May 9, 2023 at 7:07 PM
In game name: PaulinaCarrot

Your favorite minigame: Trivia on Friday or Paintball

What you're most excited for at prom: Getting together and shitting on migas in a friendly way

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May 9, 2023 at 8:19 PM
In game name: B0okWorm

Your favorite Minigame: archery race, paintball

What you’re most excited for at prom: having fun with everyone in the discord

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May 9, 2023 at 8:47 PM
In game name: Fjerreiro

Your favorite Minigame: Spleef

What you’re most excited for at prom: Having fun with all my friends and celebrating 10 years of Sentinel
Senior Member

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May 10, 2023 at 5:11 PM
In game name: Mindtwisty
Your favorite Minigame: Roll On Wednesday
What you're most excited for at prom: Everybody having fun with eachother and celebrating Sentinel's 10th Birthday!

Papercut: A tree’s final moment of revenge.

Senior Member

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May 12, 2023 at 6:11 AM
In game name: Mr_RS_

Your favorite Minigame: Chicken Football

What you’re most excited for at prom: I'm looking forward to being with everyone again at the venue
Senior Member

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May 12, 2023 at 6:28 PM
In game name: GEORGE15

Your favorite Minigame: Trivia on Friday

What you’re most excited for at prom: Hanging out, talking in the VC and playing games!

It's me George idk what to put here


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May 13, 2023 at 4:05 PM
The deadline has been extended 24 hours! You can now sign up for The Sentinel Olympics until May 14th at 5 PM GMT

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May 13, 2023 at 4:14 PM
In game name:
Your favorite Minigame:
What you’re most excited for at prom:
Being with the community and everyone having fun, I'm hoping to have fun with everyone else.



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May 15, 2023 at 1:43 AM
The olympic teams have been set! Here are the following teams!
Team Red: Fjerriero, PaulinaCarrot
Team Blue: B0okWorm, migas94
Team Green: Mr_RS_, bugsy12
Team Yellow: quazymoodo, mindtwisty
Team Purple: GEORGE15, Mamagen_Turbo
If you didn't sign up for the olympics and still want to participate, you still can enter. Everyone who is not on a team is currently a free agent. If at any point a free agent wants to declare as part of the olympics, they can declare by contacting evzntv via Discord. From there, they will be randomly placed into a team in a timely manner. The catch is that no more than two members of a team can participate in any one event at a time. This means team A had 3 players want to play the boat race event, only 2 members from the team would be eligible to participate. This is to ensure fairness and that no team is more overpowered than the other.
Rules for each game will be posted momentarily.
The first game starts today at 6 PM GMT! Best of luck everyone!

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May 15, 2023 at 5:06 PM
In game name: trentalicous69
Your favorite Minigame: pvp

What you’re most excited for at prom: meeting new people in the community and having fun.

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May 16, 2023 at 12:02 PM
In game name:LinuxGamer_i7

Your favorite Minigame:all

What you’re most excited for at prom: to meet my old friends and evryone else i used to communicate with




