Almost 10 Years? Insane

Almost 10 Years? Insane


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May 20, 2023 at 1:34 PM
Hey, its LuxxAeturnas (aka _knight_of_zero_ or Moraii)
I played on this server way back in 2014, just today the name of the server and comunity popped into my mind and i decieded to check in after what feels like a lifetime ago.
Looking in on the new forums i see that you're closing in on your 10th aniversary. I remember the day of the first aniversary.
back then i remember i was a moderator. heres my application thread
I remember also trying to become an admin, i was barely 15 and it makes sense that i'd be denied (LOL) heres that too.
I hopped on the server and a few people online recgonized my name (which was nice) i look forward to hearing from some of you (and hopefully i remember you).

I may end up playing a bit here and there again as well, we will see

I want to thank everyone who took part back then and even now.

LuxxAeturnas (Knightofzero/Moraii)

PS. Hopefully the hyperlinks work.

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May 20, 2023 at 3:51 PM
I remember you, it would be nice to see you joining back our community!

Being here from the start is a priviledge. I have seen all of you join our community and, sadly, amazing people leave. However, I am the friendly portuguese guy that stayed, mostly to annoy those who are closer and entertain the others. If you want to chat and know more about me or the server, contact me on Discord. I won't bite... and I'll provide you with some wisdom you might not know about... I think. Also I love to gossip. If you have any drama to share, I'll spread it around for you ;)!

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May 23, 2023 at 12:05 PM
Of Couse!
Hopefully i can make the 10th birthday prom, its at a very awkward time for me (1am start) at least its saturday night. Gonna make sure im there for that.

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December 24, 2023 at 3:51 PM
more people should hang out here ;) i guess discord is just to easy :)




