Hello everyone!
I am here to announce a new event that will happen on the server and where you can experience some fun moments with each other! This event will be
Sentinel Feud!
Sentinel Feud derives from Family Feud. This game consists on trying to
guess the most popular answers of a question given to 100 people who play or have played on SentinelCraft. In order to start the game, here's some rules and procedures:
- Firstly, we will divide players in two teams (Randomly if they cannot decide by themselves);
- Game Consists of 3 Rounds. The 1st Round points are normal, in the 2nd Round points are doubled and in the 3rd Round points are tripled. The points given consist on the number next to the answer on the board.
- Before every round starts, both teams choose the order where the players sit. The players who sit on the first spot will go head to head for the buzz. The question will be revealed on the hologram and the player who has turned on the light has 10 seconds to give an answer. If the answer is not on the board, the opponent can try and guess a different option. If both players do not get it right, it goes back and forward between teams taking into consideration who buzzed first. For the 2nd and 3rd Round, the players that go head to head are those on the 2nd and 3rd seats from the board.
- After the first answer gets revealed, the same team who got the first revealed answer is allowed to go again but with another teammate. Then it goes to the opposite team and so on. The Round ends if both teams manage to clear the board together or both get 3 strikes (give an answer that is not on the board). After the 3rd strike, a team cannot reveal anymore answers but the other can proceed until they get the 3rd strike. That round is over once that happens and the remaining answers are revealed without those scores being given.
- If a player takes too long to give an answer, they will be given a 10 second warning. If they do not answer in time, the team will be deducted 5 points from their score.
- It is not allowed to help other teammates on their time of guessing an answer. When it is your time to guess you cannot give various options and the first words you say/write will be considered as the chosen answer.
- The team with the most points at the end wins! In case of a tie, the winner will be decided by a tie breaker feud question!
- There might be a need to adapt the event to the number of participants. If the number of participants ends up being above 12, the rounds will be split up to form an elimination system where 2 teams face each other on the first round and the other 2 face each other on the second round. The 2 winning teams will compete on the last round to determine the true winner!

The first event will be
June 24 at 8pm GMT. Expect some mistakes and minor midway changes or clarifications as it is the first time it is officially going! The first prizes will be Legendary Keys for the winning team!
If you are sure you or intend to participate on this first event of Sentinel Feud,
please reply below so I can be prepare the event ahead of time!
Credit to Quazymoodo, Elisthetic and Heimburger for building the general area where the event will occur. And thanks to Brenda for allowing the event to occur in Tranquila!
I hope you will enjoy this event!
Being here from the start is a priviledge. I have seen all of you join our community and, sadly, amazing people leave. However, I am the friendly portuguese guy that stayed, mostly to annoy those who are closer and entertain the others. If you want to chat and know more about me or the server, contact me on Discord. I won't bite... and I'll provide you with some wisdom you might not know about... I think. Also I love to gossip. If you have any drama to share, I'll spread it around for you ;)!