Origin: Re-release!

Origin: Re-release!



  • Discussions: 3
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September 30, 2023 at 1:57 PM

Origin: Re-release!

Hello everyone!
Here's a short list with updates/information that will guide you through Origin.
  • For an overview of the challenges, click here!
  • There will be a higher hostile mob spawn rate, good luck!
  • The world border is 1024 blocks across, with a radius of 512 blocks - expansion after challenges are completed.
  • If you run into the world border, you will be teleported to another side, how confusing! Pro tip: Run back into it for a special surprise.
  • There's no end & nether until the challenges are completed
Rules and guidelines:
  • Don't be a dick.
  • Don't intentionally grief other people, work together & communicate. Any intentional or excessive grief will be punished.
  • Regular server rules apply.
  • /wc - for world chat (yellow chat).
  • /spawn - to get out of origin.
  • /origin - of course
  • /l - local chat, /local to toggle
-- Sentinelcraft Staff

  • Discussions: 3
  • Posts: 4
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October 28, 2023 at 7:37 PM

Phase three: Nether Festivities

Hello everyone!
We've worked hard, and hard work gets rewarded. We've been offering materials at the shrine to our god (quazy), roads have been built... we've made some new friends and learned some more about Minecraft - I am excited about the next phase, and I hope you guys are too!
With the next phase, the following things have been adjusted/added:
  • The world border has been increased with a 500 radius, from a 1500 radius to 2000! Happy exploring, we're hoping for a desert aren't we?
  • The nether's radius is 3000.
    • We're unsure if running into the border causes you to teleport to the other side of the world - explore with caution!
  • Some of the challenges have been modified/added onto:
    • For an overview of the challenges, click here!
  • Two single chests have been added around the spawn island with goodies for us all! They are hidden, and I am sure our god & some others would enjoy the contents inside!
Happy exploring, see you guys in game!




