Christmas Delivery Service 2022

Christmas Delivery Service 2022


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December 5, 2022 at 8:49 PM

Christmas is coming!

Dear lovely SentinelCrafters, it is time to get festive for Christmas once again!

Do you have someone you admire? Do you have friends or staff members that you would like to express your appreciation for?
Or maybe foes you would like to send boxes of coal to?

Well, now is your chance!

We proudly present to you our 2022 Christmas Event:

Christmas Delivery Service!

8) How is it going to work?Preparing your gifts
- Gather the items you would like to send and write your love letters.
- Put everything (even if it is only one item) in a shulker box.
- All senders MUST rename their shulker box to: "To:" so we know who to deliver it to.
- You can add "Fr: " after "To: " if desired, this is optional.
Example: To: Eli - Fr: Brenda - make sure we know who the nickname is!
- You can send gifts to as many people as you would like (we encourage you to send gifts to as many people as possible!), but you can send only one shulker to each person.

8) quazymoodo
9) dcipher
10) Eagler1997
11) HeLiX_iS_BeTa
12) hyeokju27
13) General_Sand
14) nikola99
15) Pres1dent__Obama
16) Blok3y
17) JeffEatsPie
18) Silver_Dragoon1
19) Mindtwisty
20) 1f9a
21) Mr_RS_
22) Shadow1229
23) MGMB_
24) Candle
25) GEORGE15
26) ComCoffee9987
27) ninja5132
28) Remiaw
29) Maybe you?
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December 22, 2022 at 6:04 AM
In-Game Username: GEORGE15
Do you agree to follow the gifting rules written above? Yep
What would you like for Christmas this year?
In Minecraft: Probwbly a set of armor, IRL: A Lego EV3 set, you can do a lot of stuff with it.
Also, sorry for the delay! (I thought I applied already xD)

It's me George idk what to put here

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December 23, 2022 at 12:31 AM
In-Game Username: ComCoffee9987
Do you agree to follow the gifting rules written above? Affirmitive
What would you like for Christmas this yesr? Nothing honestly, just was told cant give unless i sign up
Senior Admin

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December 23, 2022 at 12:33 AM
In-Game Username: ninja5132
Do you agree to follow the gifting rules written above? Affirmitive
What would you like for Christmas this yesr? bats, chickens, hug
Senior Member

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December 24, 2022 at 4:15 AM
Sorry I sign up this late, i was vewy vewy busy.
In-game Username: Remiaw
Do you agree to follow the gifting rules written above? Affirmitive
What would you like for Christmas this yesr? i don't want a lot for Christmas




