Applying to become a Senior Member.

Applying to become a Senior Member.


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July 18, 2024 at 7:59 PM
Hello, I'm Rah,
And I would like to apply for the Senior Member rank.

- What is your in-game name?
My name is Rah20X. Both on Discord, and In-game.

- Have you been active for at least 1 month?
Yes, I have been active regularly since june 16th, 2024. Which would be 32 days as of this timestamp.

- Have you been helpful for other people on the server? If yes, who and how?
I have been helpful with my extensive knowledge of server improvements by my suggestions.
I have also been helpful with giving honest and fair building critique, and giving them tips and ideas to better hone and learn from their initial work.
Thirdly, I have also been helping new & old community members out with answering questions, and providing commands to get them settled and integrated for a more enjoyable experience.

- Have you been jailed/muted/rule-restricted before? If yes, what punishment and motive?
No, I have not been restricted by any means before, And If i may add to help promote my odds of becoming a Senior Member.
I have on my previous server held a track-record of over 5 years before I left, Without having been restricted once, And to this day, still have not been restricted. As they had a punishment list that kept track of names, which you could also search through pubicly if you wish to know about these details further.
As I do make sure to ask what is and is not allowed beforehand, incase any of the rules are too vague or don't cover what would be necessary to ask first.
And I do keep as much of my sense of humor to an honest mature level, To ensure nobody is or gets uncomfortable with the topic I joke about.

- Do you vote regularly?
I do vote whenever I can, however, depending on the server this can differ. As some servers only wanted votes to boost their server positions to the 1st page, not knowing that you can pay for said slots to many of the current server list hosting platforms, This is also why many of the servers you see can stay at 1st page.
But others give benefits like votekeys with rewards, ranks or even additional benefits for the highest amount of votes. to reward dedication.
In this instance, I do vote regularly because of what is rewarded.

- Are you going to be active and keep in touch on the forums?

Absolutely if possible, Given that i likely will have more suggestions in the future to help streamline the server. I reckon this won't be an issue.

- Additional Information:
To backtrack on keeping my humor to an honest mature level,
I do have a very inclusive standpoint on things in life that I solve with humor, but I do so without any semblance of a filter whenever I joke about.
Sometimes this sense of humor could be seen as going too far to some people, As some may not know the context or understand what my standpoint on humor is.
Or, have a very intolerant standpoint on what humor should be defined as.

I will be honest in saying that my standpoint on jokes is that there should be no filter on humor, as humor is there to help lift everyone's moods through tough times.
Often knowing that reality can be cruel, harsh or even uncaring. Making these jokes helps to ease that emotional or mental pain for others, or even myself if necessary.

And making these jokes as well also helps to educate others, As some might not have been properly educated, or don't have the mental capability to understand that making jokes about any topic, helps to highlight and understand what is wrong about it, but also how to overcome these problems going forward. History can often repeat, Therefore knowing can help with avoidance.

Many wish to accuse others without knowing the context, Without knowing this trivial bit of information.
Given that this could happen with my sense of humor. I wanted to make a highlight for it.

And to also clarify, I will only make such jokes, if the people that I am with are comfortable with the topics that are being joked about, If they aren't allowed by the server, I won't make jokes about it, Otherwise they can always ask me to drop the topic I am joking about if it makes them or others uncomfortable.

If this is a dealbreaker for becoming promoted or being allowed on the server in general, I understand. But I do wish to be honest and sincere, As this is something that I do stand for and have for many years.

I know not many may share this standpoint, or this opinion. But I do hope you understand where I am coming from now knowing my standpoint on humor and what I tolerate.

I do hope to hear more about it in the near future, And hope to help the community further!

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July 18, 2024 at 8:01 PM
Your application will be under review and an answer will be given in the next 7 days.

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July 21, 2024 at 10:22 AM

would love to see u in blue color <3


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July 24, 2024 at 7:11 PM
You have been promoted!




