Do you have any Special skills that could be useful to the server? Then you have come to the right place! Please make sure you can back up these claims. You can apply to become a
Special rank using the form below. If you do not use it, your application will be automatically
Special Rank Application Format
(Copy this and create a new topic!)
- What is your in-game name?- Current Rank? - How long have you been on the server? - Which special rank do you want to apply for? - Why do you think you deserve that special rank? - Did any staff member suggest that you apply? - Additional Information:If you have any
Screenshots or
Additional information that can be helpful, add them. Please
complete the application to the best of your ability and wait for a response. It can take up to
seven days to receive a response. If you would like a
private response rather than a public response please indicated under additional information.