Erebor Challenge Checklist

Erebor Challenge Checklist



  • Discussions: 11
  • Posts: 21
  • Likes: 16
December 28, 2022 at 9:28 AM
When a town board is created, this will be posted to that town to keep of their completed town challenges.
Home Base!
Build a Town Hall.
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The Land of Milk and Honey
Create a Town Farm!
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Build Bridges, Not Walls
Collaborate with a different town on any project.
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Build a town library.
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'Tis the Season
Put up some holiday decorations! Can be seasonal or permanent.
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Public Transportation
Create some sort of functional public transportation within your town.
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Plenty of room at the Hotel California...
Your tourists need a place to sleep, build a hotel!
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What's that in the Sky? It's a bird...It's a plane..It's...
Create a sky build!
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Without a tree farm how will your town members build their homes?
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From old to new.
Rebuild an old building in your town to something new and improved from the last.
Petting Zoo
With adult villagers comes kid villagersies, why not build a petting zoo to keep them busy and give the moms and dads a break.
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Being here from the start is a priviledge. I have seen all of you join our community and, sadly, amazing people leave. However, I am the friendly portuguese guy that stayed, mostly to annoy those who are closer and entertain the others. If you want to chat and know more about me or the server, contact me on Discord. I won't bite... and I'll provide you with some wisdom you might not know about... I think. Also I love to gossip. If you have any drama to share, I'll spread it around for you ;)!




