Migas: The one that has always been better than Pauizz, whatever the circumstance.

Migas: The one that has always been better than Pauizz, whatever the circumstance.



  • Discussions: 11
  • Posts: 21
  • Likes: 16
December 30, 2022 at 8:58 PM
Hi guys, most of you know who I am but I would like to reintroduce myself to the community, following Brenda's template format.

Where you are from? I'm from Portugal.

What are you studying or do you want to study in the future? I studied Nutrition and Dietetics. I finished 6 years ago.

What do you do for a living? I work on food retail.

How old are you? 28

What is your favourite hobby? My favourite hobby is to travel and discover new places, do walks around towns / wilderness, and play Geocaching. It's super fun and I'm only 11 geocaches away of hitting the 1000 landmark. I also like photography but I think I'm not as good as I used to think I was.

Why did you decide to join and stay around SentinelCraft? I joined the concept of SentinelCraft when I got invited by Fedgar to help him create the server. I stayed around because of the community and the people I met throughout the time here.

What is your favourite thing to do in Minecraft? Chatting with people, socialize, make friends/create friendships, help new people play the game. Game-wise, I've been losing interest throughout time but I still like the minigames, specially Parkour.

What is your earliest memory of SentinelCraft? My earliest memory of SentinelCraft is me, Fedgar, and Rich working and planning the first spawn. Each one of us started their own build. However, we ended up using something Fedgar built on another server, which ended up being Pern Spawn. Also, I remember celebrating my 18th birthday on a building in flatgrass just 1 month after the server openned. With only the three of us there. Fedgar made a firework redstone machine that failed when it was supposed to launch.

Random curiosities:
  • I used to be Admin and Owner before Pauizz's ducktatorship;
  • I'm left-handed;
  • I'm tall and famus (for whoever gets the reference);
  • I used to play tennis and was doing well but quit to focus on studying;
  • I like to karaoke but hate to voice chat;
  • I like geography;
  • I suck at technologies and whatever. I struggle on that matter;
  • I'm very shy but very friendly (I don't know why people are scared of me in SentinelCraft 😞);
  • I've met Fedgar, Fjerreiro, Calvinpijn, and Brenda in real life in different occasions and it was super fun! I would love to meet more people, just let me know if you come to Portugal and I'll see what I can do!
Ask me anything, if you want, or if you wanna chat, I'll always be available to reply on discord, even though I'm busy and can't join the server as much as I used to be back in the days.

Being here from the start is a priviledge. I have seen all of you join our community and, sadly, amazing people leave. However, I am the friendly portuguese guy that stayed, mostly to annoy those who are closer and entertain the others. If you want to chat and know more about me or the server, contact me on Discord. I won't bite... and I'll provide you with some wisdom you might not know about... I think. Also I love to gossip. If you have any drama to share, I'll spread it around for you ;)!




