If you want to make a world edit request simply make a new topic including the following information:
- Location (XYZ)
- Type of world edit you want done and a rough estimate of the area.
You'll receive a response from an SA with a quote or an in-game message regarding your request. Once you've been quoted you may proceed with the payment and the world edit will happen as agreed upon.
We reserve the right to not perform a world edit.
Flatten Land:
- 5-10 chunks = 5$
- 10-20 chunks = 10$
*Surrounding area will be naturalized
- 0-5 chunks = 1$
- 5-10 chunks = 2$
- 10-20 chunks = 3$
- 0-5 chunks = 1$
- 5-10 chunks = 2$
- +5 chunks = +1$
- 0-5 chunks = 2$
- 5-10 chunks = 4$
- +5 chunks = +2$
- 0-8 chunks = 2$
- 8-16 chunks = 4$
- 0-8 chunks = 1$
- 8-16 chunks = 2$
- 15x15x15 Blocks = 2$
- 30x30x30 Blocks = 5$
- 60x60x60 Blocks = 15$
Can be any shape under those dimensionsFinishing
- Rounded Edges = 2$
- Angled Edges = 5$
*Odd shapes will take more time and result in a higher quoteSculpting:
- 0-8 chunks = 3$
- 8-16 chunks = 10$
- 16-32 chunks = 20$
Natural Items OnlyGenerate Forest:
- 0-8 chunks = 1$
- 8-16 chunks = 2$
- 16-32 chunks = 4$
*Any tree type is available
Biome Changing:
- 0-16 chunks = 3$
- 16-32 chunks = 10$
This only changes biome info on F3, not existing terrain!
On a limited basis we will allow copy/paste actions. This does not include any chests, or valuable items (Ores,Redstone,Spawners,ect).
- 1-5 chunks = 2$
- 5-10 chunks = 5$
- 10-20 chunks = 10$