Issues with warps

Issues with warps


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January 30, 2023 at 1:05 AM
Good afternoon,
I was having some issues with warps, it's not working as intended. whenever I try to use a warp for a Gotham farm or place that leads to Horizon, it warps me into the middle of an ocean, and some of the / commands don't work the best but still work. For example I will do /home (home name) (if it's in Horizon) and it will warp me but it will warp me to the last place I was at if I'm in Kattalox and not Horizon.
I'm not an expert and I understand it's hard to maintain a server that has all this stuff, but it's kind of an issue when I want to use a farm and I can't get to it. As long as you notice my issue and try working on it I will be pleased. If you have any questions just ask me on the discord since I'm more active there, but other than that I'm all good.


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January 30, 2023 at 1:13 AM
It's lag pushing you back to the last place you were in the world, you just have to reissue the warp command again.

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January 30, 2023 at 1:26 AM
But there's no command that I can do to warp me to the Gotham farms, if there is then I would like to know but other than that I do not have access to such commands.



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January 30, 2023 at 5:55 PM
This is also likely to do with the computer you are connecting on, and what resource packs and mods you are running which have an impact on how fast things can load, if you are unable to transfer and load a world in less than 1 second, the above issue is what you will get. To help with this try with a lower render distance, no resource pack, or mods and see if it still persists.

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January 30, 2023 at 11:19 PM
I don't use mods. None that I know of anyways.





