Sendinéł Kröfd (meme/crappy art)

Sendinéł Kröfd (meme/crappy art)



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February 7, 2023 at 6:22 PM
I made crappy knock-off logos in pixel art, given how empty the forum is, lol (feel free to remove if it's too offensive ;)
took me like, some 20 minutes or so to throw together, and hey, I even did basic shading, lol (the sword is offset semi-intentionally), I made something similar in superflat, as map art, but it was even worse than this
maybe someday I will bother to make an attempt at a version with actual effort to make it look reasonably decent, but it takes time to do so, and I'm lazy, lol

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February 7, 2023 at 6:28 PM
first one is 100% size, second one is like, 20x bigger
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February 7, 2023 at 6:30 PM
The shading looks really good! Pixel art can be a lot of fun, I like the little "emoji" version you did too.

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February 7, 2023 at 8:36 PM
as I tried to say, the tiny one is the "true size" (not exactly "emoji version", although sure, it'd work as one), the big one is like some 20x scaled up, same thing, because y'know, the thing's tiny and there's no zoom functionality here (tbh a little bit TOO scaled up, but whatever)
yeah, pixel art can be fun, but also time consuming, you don't have any assistance to draw curves (usually) or create gradients or anything (some editors don't even have a "straight line" tool, lol), gotta do it all manually... glad you like the shading at least, of course that's what most of the time went in, and even then I didn't bother to do it that well, e.g. it would be pretty easy to have a little bit of a shadow on the sword part, too, maybe put a bit of a shine on the handle's end, like in the real logo, a lot of the dark-gray bits shading the outside edge are just strewn across the edge rather randomly, and look really bad on a transparent or light background, etc etc etc

also, if anyone else wants to make low-effort art, I'm fine with just making this a "low effort and/or crappy art thread", heh




