

Thank you for everyone’s patience, we are happy to announce crates are back open!

The re-release of crates comes with some new features:

Basic Mob drop and BasicFood crates are available with the same rewards as before, costing $250. Basic Gardening is also available at $250, and has been updated to feature lush cave item.


Intermediate and Epic Crates have been replaced with…


Novice and Artisan Crates! These are special crates themed around jobs. Each crate features 12-14 different ‘kits’ you have a chance to win! But what’s this…some special collectible in each kit? See how many you can collect! Each crate has high risk/high reward items, with a few even having some trick items! The following crates are available at each tier:

Novice Crates - costing $2500 each
Novice Explorer - Biome Themed Kits
Novice Tradesman - Villager Themed Kits
Novice Miner - Tools & Ores


Artisan Crates - costing $5000 each
Artisan Warrior - Weapons & Accessories
Artisan Jack of All Trades - Redstone & Uncraftables
Artisan Architect - Structure Themed Kits
Artisan Sorceress - Alchemy & Enchanting

Please note these are general descriptions for each crate, not every item will directly relate to the crate’s theme

Crates are an ongoing project on SentinelCraft, since the world is still new the prices are marked high. As materials become more abundant in the world, costs will be changed to reflect the economy. Crates will be added and changed as well.

Special thanks to Qmoodo, Charactername111, and mindtwisty for their efforts on this project.

Get to gambling by using /crates and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Posted on June 29, 2024 by bugsy12




