The new site has started development on 21st of August 2022, we hope this new site will be a breath of fresh air for many! Also more information and additions, these include:
1. Support Tickets - The best way to report issues, ask for support and report any issues with other players!
2. FAQ's - A place to answer the basic questions which you may need in the first few days of playing on Sentinel!
3. Wiki - This will be the new home to all guides and information going forward, we aim to add more to this overtime and ensure it stays upto date! It should also be much easier to nativate than the current guides on the forums
4. Staff List - New and updated staff list
5. Changelog - A way in which we can keep you all upto date with changes we make on the server which may not need announcement. This means we can be more transparent with the work we do and shows you that we are working on many things behind the scenes