Hello everyone!
We're once again celebrating Easter with the community, and just like previous years, we're providing all of you with an Easter Egg Hunt during the season! The eggs will be hidden in-game, starting on the 17th of March. Each player can claim a maximum of 4 eggs at the end of the event, which will be April 16th. We are extending the event by 1 week after easter this year to make up for being late!
This year, on Sundays, two eggs will be hidden! During the other days, one egg will be released per day and their order will be randomly chosen.
The eggs will be hidden as holograms on the server - in the worlds Fedgardia, Horizon and Kattalox. The eggs will be released at different times throughout the day, ensuring that everyone has a fair chance at finding the Easter Egg! Throughout the event, you will see that the colours from the holograms will differ based on this.
In order to claim the egg, you have to be the first one to find it. You will have to reply to this topic with a selfie screenshot of you (f5) with the hologram. If the egg hasn't been found after 24h, we will release a riddle/clue to help with the Egg hunt!
Read more about the rewards and where to post your screenshots here: SentinelCraft Easter Egg Hunt 2023! | SentinelCraft