Origin: Re-release

Origin: Re-release

Hello everyone!

We are pleased to announce our plans for a change of Origin. As our polls have shown, the majority of us voted for an Origin reset. We would like to invite all of you to the re-opening of Origin on Saturday the 30th of September, at 4 pm CET / 10 am EST.

This time around, we will be using different phases to complete challenges as a community in order to progress together in the game! During the first phase, everyone will stay close and work together before we can expand the world border! 

More information about the challenges and phases can be found on our forums and wiki page in the coming days. A preview of the challenges/phases can be found on the wiki page already, clarification and modifications will be made throughout the week! Want to give us feedback on some of them? Perfect! Shoot Brenda a message on Discord!

Quick things to note!

  • Origin will be on 1.20! Exciting!
  • Origin will be open for everyone, new members included! Bring and invite your friends!
  • We will set the difficulty of the world to ‘hard’.
  • There will be an entity cleanup, meaning that the chance is higher for you to lose your stuff when you die! Big ouch!
  • The first phase is set to run for at least 5 days to allow “late-joiners” to also join in on the fun.
  • On the day of the release, a new Discord channel for Origin will be released for all the banter. In order to chat in it you must sign up for the Origin role on Discord under #rules-info.
  • Origin will be reset, so visit the world one last time to take any pictures or grab any schematics while you still can!
  • Challenges and rules are subject to change at any time if deemed necessary by SA.

See you on the 30th!

-SentinelCraft Staff

Posted on September 17, 2023 by BrendaxNL




