Recruit-a-Friend System!

Recruit-a-Friend System!

Hello everyone!


We are proud to announce a new recruit-a-friend system! The aim is to promote players inviting friends over and both getting some nice rewards to help them in-game!

How does it work?

It's simple, you generate a code through /rafcode. Your friend you just recruited (Played less than 5 hours), uses the command /rafredeem <your name> <Code>. Once your friend has played more than 3 hours, you can use /rafreward and you will both receive the rewards.


What are the rewards?


  • $5000
  • 500 claim blocks
  • 5 headtokens

Their friend:

  • $500
  • 100 claim blocks
  • 9 diamonds

Commands list

  • /rafcode - Generates a code for your friend to use.
  • /rafinfo - Generates a code for your friend to use and tells you how many people you have successfully recruited.
  •  /rafredeem <player/referrer> <code> - If you have less than 5 hours of gameplay this will redeem the code.
  • /rafreward - After you have 3 hours of game play you can claim your reward.
  • /rafleaderboard - Shows a leaderboard with all members who have recruited players!


We hope you are as excited as we are for the implementation of this new system! Help us grow into a larger community!

Posted on November 18, 2024 by PaulinaCarrot




