


Senior Admin

  • Discussions: 1
  • Posts: 13
  • Likes: 4
  • Registered: August 21, 2022
  • Last seen: May 10, 2023 at 1:24 PM

January Voting Prize

Hello everyone!Every month there will be prizes for the top voters during that period as a thank you...

January 5, 2023

Quazymoodo's Mod Application

Your application is under review and an answer will be given in the next 7 days.

January 9, 2023

Shadow1229's moderator application

Your application is under review and an answer will be given in the next 7 days.

January 22, 2023

SentinelCraft Easter Egg Hunt 2023!

Since it has been 24 hours since yesterday's egg has been hidden, here is a hint! "In a ga...

March 18, 2023

SentinelCraft Easter Egg Hunt 2023!

It's time for a hint! Revisiting old times will make your hear soar.

March 23, 2023

Dimension Season 2: Towny Siege Wars!

My fellow SentinelCrafters,For too long, the Roman Empire has held innocent players under their boot...

March 25, 2023

SentinelCraft Easter Egg Hunt 2023!

No Immortal, that's just a decoy egg. Sorry!

April 1, 2023

SentinelCraft Easter Egg Hunt 2023!

Since it has been 24 hours since the last egg was released, here is a new hint! Make sure everything...

April 2, 2023

SentinelCraft Easter Egg Hunt 2023!

Hint time for both of Sunday's eggs since it has been 24 hours! Y'all gotta look harder! H...

April 3, 2023

SentinelCraft Easter Egg Hunt 2023!

24 hours later, and it's another hint time! Rumor has it that if you go chopping wood you might...

April 5, 2023

SentinelCraft Easter Egg Hunt 2023!

Two egg hints today! (Sorry, we got a little behind ;-;). Here's your hints:- You'll need...

April 8, 2023

SentinelCraft Easter Egg Hunt 2023!

Posting for sweaty, who may have taken this picture the same year I was born then cycled it through...

April 12, 2023

SentinelCraft Easter Egg Hunt 2023!

Final two egg hints! Here they are, better figure them out quick!1. This place isn't as bad as...

April 16, 2023




