Dimension Season 2: Towny Siege Wars!
It's time for the long awaited Towny Siege wars! Be prepared to fight your friends and rule over the continental map! Join the fun on
Saturday at 4 PM GMT / 12 AM GMT+8 / 10 AM CT (GMT -6). It will last until the week of prom.
Gamemode Details:
This gamemode will include multiple plugins that are themed around Towny, we highly suggest reading the user manuals on each ones as they are quick and explain the gist of what you'll be doing!
In brief: You'll be given a period of 3 days after you make your town of full immunity to all invasions. Make full use of this period to plan your town an suit up! Once your grace period is over you are open to attacks and invasion from other nations. A siege is laid by placing a banner at your door step, the enemy has to score a certain amount of points for your siege to start. During the period of a siege you'll fight your opponent's military, any non-military members participating in the war will automatically receive debuffs. You have to score points and the winner is whoever has the most points. You obviously get more points the more opponents you kill. You are able to surrender or abandon a siege after a set amount of time (24 hours). You'll receive immunity that is half the time that the siege lasted. The duration of a siege holdout is 48 hours.
While everything is taking place you will also affected by what type of armor your are wearing and certain blocks that you are using. You'll receive an effect called encumbrance which slows you down and take damage if you jump around alot.
Once you've gotten over 16 plots claimed, you will be able to pay a certain amount of money (250$ for the first level) to survey and collect resources each day to which your nation (or occupying nation) has a 25% claim of it. You can collect these resources and use or sell them.
The goal at the end of the season is to come out on top in the nation list by occupying towns - owning resources and having gains during invasion. We'll detail more on how these will be accounted for each after a few weeks into the season. It is hard to set parameters early on until we see how the real deal plays out! Occupying towns will still have the most weight in the ranking of nations.
Rules, guidelines and limitations:
- Evading PvP, Spawn Killing and Repeat Killing will result in some form of punishment. Be fair to your opponents and just don't abuse the PvP. It's not going to be fun when people leave because person A or B is constantly killing them with no gear on.
- Griefing in towns and surrounding towns is not allowed and is not enabled in the config.
- For this season, we will stick to semi-automation. Automation won't be allowed like previous season as you'll still be generating passive resources through towny resources.
- You'll be allowed 3 residents per town and 2 towns per nation. Occupied towns do not count towards this limitation. We might look at upping it to 3 towns per nation, we felt the need to limit to this to not have people all congregate in one nation and to keep the roleplay and wars alive enough through having multiple nations exist at once!
- You'll be allowed to buy some towny bonus blocks to circumvent the lack of residents, a resident will give you 16 plots instead of 8 (how we have it in current towny). You'll also be able to buy one outpost.
- You are allowed to ally with one other nation, you can however become enemies at any given time.
- There is a minimum distance between home blocks - about 16 chunks so you cannot all huddle up in the same place.
- You'll be allowed to random teleport for the first week through /cmi rt. After the first week, enjoy horse riding and riding boats to reach other places.
- Mid-Season timers and durations may change to promote more activity and wars.
- Win-Trading, Immunity-Trading etc.. won't be tolerated and your nation or town will receive penalties accordingly! Play by the game!
- PvP will be enabled everywhere.Useful Commands
Carefully read through the guides on the above section so that you can understand all of what's going to happen! We are not an encyclopedia it is best to invest 5 minutes to understand the war mechanic.Towny commands: Link to our own guide for towny!/sw guide : In-game guide to siegewars.
/sw : displays a full list of siegewars commands.
/tr survey: Survey for a new level of the resources.
/tr towncollect: Collect your resources from the new day.
/cmi sell or /sell: To sell items in your inventory or hand.
/cmi rt or /rtp : To teleport to a random location between 300 and 1000 blocks from spawn.
All forms of trading will happen in-game.
We are looking to find more unique rewards to players who come out on top of the season! We will likely keep it something that has yet to be seen on the server! However the distribution of the rewards will be as follows:
- Only capital city town mayors of a nation will be rewarded unique rewards.
- All members will be rewarded any secondary award i.e care packages for next season.
We are trying our best to come up with better ways to reward your participation on each season, hugs are not enough :(
Additionally! We will be rewarding
the prettiest town 32 towny blocks in Towny! So if you're not into being at war you can still win something by representing your town in dimension!
We did not want to go overboard with plugins this season and hope that the selection is appealing enough! Stay tuned for all updates on dimension and the whole server on
our discord!--Sentinelcraft Staff